πͺ Building Learning Museums
How many times have you loved learning but been disappointed with your grades?
Traditionally methods of measuring learning are very unidimentional - marks and attendance. As learning is evolving at a pace like never before, how we measure learning needs to as well.
This is where Learning Museums can help. Learning Museums make learning:
ποΈ Visible π Tangible β₯οΈ Shareable
Making Learning ποΈ Visible
In 2019 I started cooking and trying out new cuisines and recipes and documenting them on my Instagram account. Short videos, annotations, ingredients -
By making learning visible and visual, I was able to bring alive the process of cooking and the final output or the dish.
Many years and recipes later, it is still my go-to place if I want to dig up a recipe I'd made in the past.
Making Learning π Tangible
My 7th grade history teacher in school made us make a history folio with all our homework. Our 'homework' was ranged from designing the armour of Mughal emperor to creating a menu for a restaurant in the 1700s -
By making learning tangible and hands-on, I was able to re-living a lost time.
This folio made me fall in love with history. I've moved many houses, but the folio has travelled with me every single time.
Making Learning β€οΈ Shareable
Last year I took up an a 30 day atomic writing challenge I took last year with 20+ accountability buddies. I wrote and published daily to build my writing muscle.
By making learning shareable, I was able to have conversations and connect with people like never before.
I had people reaching out to me saying "Hey, I loved what you wrote!" It helped me discover things like fitness and food that I was not writing about before!
πͺ Learning Museums
Learning Museums are a powerful tool to measure:
Progress: Where a learner is in their learning journey
Achievement: How much the learner has accomplished
Effort: How much effort the learner has put
Competency: What knowledge, skills & mindsets a learner has
As a Designer/ Facilitator, Learning Museums can help you:
See holistic progress of each learner over time
Champion the journey of an individual learner
Helps you better support your learner
Share your student work with others
As a Learner, Learning Museums can help you:
Recall better because you learn by doing
See holistic progress over time
Become a part of a community & see others point of view
Build a repository of work to share & feel proud of
So the next time you're learning/ teaching something? Ask yourself 3 questions -
ποΈ How can I make it visible?
π How can I make it tangible?
β₯οΈ How can I make it shareable?
Build your own πͺ Learning Museum!
On February 24th 2022, I did a session around Building Learning Museums for the L&D Shakers. You can check out the session recording here